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                Home > News
                Width of PP non-woven fabric for slope greening 2023/6/26
                Width of PP non-woven fabric for slope greening :330cm(customizable)Slope greening special PP non-woven fabric color: wh......
                The growth of domestic demand has a lot of good news, and the external demand market remains grim 2023/6/26
                The growth of domestic demand has a lot of good news, and the external demand market remains grimTextile industry overal......
                Refresh the domestic 10,000-ton carbon fiber project construction record! 2023/6/6
                Refresh the domestic 10,000-ton carbon fiber project construction record!At present, global trade and investment face ma......
                Raw materials of furniture non-woven fabrics 2023/6/6
                Raw materials of furniture non-woven fabricsThe company's domestic market is sold all over the world, the foreign ma......
                China's economic trend in the first four months is in focus 2023/5/24
                China's economic trend in the first four months is in focus"Under the combined effect of economic recovery, con......
                Automotive interior decoration non-woven fabric use area 2023/5/24
                Automotive interior decoration non-woven fabric use area1. Rear seat items display rack, etc.2. Trunk Luggage Pad.3. Air......
                There are many kinds of automobile 2023/5/18
                There are many kinds of automobile non-woven fabrics, such as needled, spiced, stitched and spun, to see where they are ......
                The first quarter of the textile industry operation! 2023/5/18
                The first quarter of the textile industry operation!From January to March, the industrial added value of textile enterpr......
                Promote the upgrading of textile industry with market demand! 2023/5/9
                Promote the upgrading of textile industry with market demand!Give full play to the role of textile product development b......
                The introduction of Xu Hang new material technology 2023/5/9
                The introduction of Xu Hang new material technologyThe company sells its products domestically and abroad all over the w......
                Textile industry to improve the development of toughness! 2023/4/20
                Textile industry to improve the development of toughness!Looking ahead to 2023, the development environment facing the t......
                Furniture non-woven products performance & advantages: 2023/4/20
                Furniture non-woven products performance & advantages:- High level of tensile strength and elongation- Excellent sof......
                Slope greening special PP non-woven advantages/description! 2023/4/12
                Slope greening special PP non-woven advantages/description: environmental protection materials can be degraded, used for......
                Recently, "flour" than "bread" expensive textile market is back! 2023/4/12
                Recently, "flour" than "bread" expensive textile market is back! On the first day of April, polyeste......
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